
What Part Did The Slave Trade Play In Helping Europeans Take Control Of Much Of Africa In The 1800s


Earlier the 16th century, Europeans were not deeply involved in slave trading on the Due west African coast. However, at that place was some movement of African labour to Madeira and the Canary Islands by the early Portuguese explorers from 1470 onwards. The Portuguese were also the first to use African slave labour in gold mines, and on sugar plantations on the modest equatorial island of São Tomé. These plantations became the model for time to come sugar estates in the West Indies. African exports at this time included gold, palm oil, nuts, yams, pepper, ivory, gum and material.

Drawing by Barbot of African chiefs and Europeans - opens new window

An Interview with the King of Sestro

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Map of Forts on the West coast of Africa - opens new window

European Forts in Africa (155KB)
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During the 16th century the beginning foundations of globalisation were laid when African rulers forged relationships with European traders. I early English explorer was William Hawkins, father of John Hawkins. In the 1530s, Hawkins made voyages to Republic of guinea to obtain ivory, Glossary - opens new windowdyewoods and aureate. At this stage the English seemed to have footling involvement in taking slaves. This, nevertheless, was before long to modify.

There was intense rivalry for W Africa among Europeans. With no interest in acquisition the interior, they concentrated their efforts to obtain human cargo along the Due west African coast. During the 1590s, the Dutch challenged the Portuguese monopoly to go the main slave trading nation. Later, Scottish, Swedish and Danish African companies registered their interest. With so many European powers on the declension, conflict was inevitable, culminating in the Anglo-Dutch state of war of 1665-7. Forts congenital by the Portuguese and Dutch on the Aureate Coast (modern Ghana) were captured by the British in 1667.

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Slaves for Guns

West African rulers were instrumental in the slave trade. They exchanged their prisoners of war (rarely their own people) for firearms manufactured in Birmingham and elsewhere in Britain. With their newly acquired weapons, kings and chiefs were able to expand their territories. The slave trade had a profound outcome on the economic system and politics of West Africa, leading, in many cases, to an increase in tension and violence.

Painting of 'The Slave Trade' by John Raphael Smith - opens new window

Europeans Repay African Hospitality

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List of forts under British control (extract) - opens new window

Blackness People and 'Mulattoes' Employed by the Royal African Company (162KB)
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In 1650, for example, Dahomey, a small coastal land on the Atlantic, extended its borders into the interior of Africa. Half a century after, the Asante Empire under Osei Tutu forcibly united a number of small kingdoms into a strong federation. A large proportion of the prisoners of war were sold on as slaves. Other Africans captured during raids into the interior were exchanged for commodities.

Kidnapped and Incarcerated

Europeans lacked the local cognition to be able to negotiate the perils of the African interior, and so they used middlemen for this chore, according to Glossary - opens new windowOlaudah Equiano, who had himself been captured in this way. European slaving ships waited at coastal ports to selection up their cargoes of slaves. Middlemen would attack Africans working in the fields and march them to the declension. Children acting as lookouts for their parents might too be captured.

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The captured Africans were held in forts, sometimes called 'slave castles', along the coast. They remained at that place for months until finally leaving their homeland for an unknown destination on lath European merchant ships, including those of the British Regal African Visitor. Ships constructed in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland carried the Africans to the West Indies. This human cargo of slaves was chained at the wrists and legs with irons, and stowed in the lower decks of the ships, like any other article.

The slave trade developed into a circuitous system that included many different groups and interests. The actual number of Africans taken continues to be disputed, simply it is somewhere in the range of 15 to twenty one thousand thousand people. It has been suggested that a neat many of those captured went unrecorded. Many died on the march to the declension, in the cellars of slave forts and on the ships.

James Fort, Accra, 1756  - opens new window

James Fort, Accra, Golden Coast
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Royal African Company Slaves - Men, Women and Children - opens new window

Regal African Company Slaves - Men, Women and Children (161KB)
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The slave merchandise was responsible for major disruption to the people of Africa. Women and men were taken young, in their virtually productive years, thus dissentious African economies. The physical experience of slavery was painful, traumatic and long-lasting. We know this from the written evidence of several freed slaves. Captivity marked the beginning of a dehumanising process that afflicted British attitudes towards African people.

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References and Farther Reading

Clarkson, T., History of the Ascent, Progress and Achievement of the Abolition of the African Slave Merchandise by the British Parliament, London, 1808

Pilus, P.East.H., Jones, A. and Law, R. (eds) Barbot on Republic of guinea. The writings of Jean Barbot on West Africa 1678-1712, London, 1992

Shillington, K., History of Africa, London, 1989

Stepan, Due north., The Thought of Race in Science: Great U.k. 1800-1960, London, 1982

Walvin, J., Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire (2nd edn), London, 2001

What Part Did The Slave Trade Play In Helping Europeans Take Control Of Much Of Africa In The 1800s,


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